
6月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Amelia Bedelia

"Oh, Amelia Bedelia, your first day of work, and I can't be here. But I made a list for you. You do just what the list says," said Mrs. Rogers. "My, what nice folks. I'm going to like working here," said Amelia Bedelia. Ameria Bedelia did just what the list says, but something is wrong. This story is interesting and funny. I thought telling with using some words can lead misunderstanding. Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read Books: Level 2) 著者 : Peggy Parish Turtleback Books 発売日 : 1999-10-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

The BEST CHEF in Second Grade

Ollie loved to cook more than anything in the world. One day, Mr. Hopper Ollie's teacher said,"Find something that everyone in your family likes to eat. We will share our Family Favorites with Chef Antonia on Friday." This story is interesting. Especially, I like one scene that Ollie makes a dish mixing his family's favorite foods. The Best Chef in Second Grade (I Can Read - Level 2 (Quality)) 著者 : Katharine Kenah 発売日 : 2007 ブクログでレビューを見る»

I am the Turkey

Today is the day we get our parts for the Thanksgiving play.  "You will be the turkey," Ms. Willow says. "The turkey is a good part" Mark didn't like his part, turkey, but finally he did best performance and saved his friend who looked sick at stage. I thought Mark is kind and brave! I Am the Turkey (I Can Read Level 2) 著者 : Michele Sobel Spirn HarperCollins 発売日 : 2006-08-22 ブクログでレビューを見る»


Remy sat and read the book. There was a picture of a man on the front. His name was Gusteau and he was a famous old chef. "A good chef must not be afraid to try new things", the book said. Remy is a good chef and he and Linguini are good friend. When I read this story, I think I want to eat dishes which appears in this book!  Penguin Kids Disney: Level 5 Ratatouille 著者 : Paul Shipton Pearson Japan 発売日 : 2012-02-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

Father's day

I went to Fukuoka to see my grandfather last Sunday. Last Sunday is the father's day, so my cousin and I wrote a letter to him. When we give him a letter, he smiled. We hope he'll live a long life with health.

Here comes the Strikeout

Bobby went to see Willie. "Lucky helmets won't do it.   Lucky bats won't do it   Only hard work will do it," said Willie. When I read this book, I feel make an effort is very important. We can do anything if we work hard and never give up! Here Comes the Strikeout (I Can Read Level 2) 著者 : Leonard Kessler HarperCollins 発売日 : 1978-10-25 ブクログでレビューを見る»


I went to LLC. LLC means Language Learning Commons.   There are many books and DVDs. I often use there to watch the DVD with my friend. But today, I know that there are many textbooks to learn second language, so I thought to use LLC not only to watch the DVD, but also to learn my second language, French. And, LLC Café Event has been regularly held there. I joined once and I could listen to many talks about Canada and studying abroad. This event is useful for someone who interested in studying abroad and foreign cultures. I think LLC is very useful for us, so I want to use a lot during university life!

Busy Week

Last weekend, my friend and I joined the briefing session of Fukuoka airport. We are interested in working there, so we could learn what the job involves. After this briefing session, we thought that we have to do more effort!

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Once upon a time, there lived a kind shoemaker and his wife. Times were hard and they became very, very poor.  One day, they had only enough leather to make a single pair of shoes, so he was sad. But a magical thing happened. When the shoemaker woke up, the leather had already been turned into a fancy pair of shoes!  Life went on like this for many months and they became very, very rich. They thought, "Who was making all the fancy shoes?" One night, they found out two little elves. The elves very cute when they make shoes and dance a joyful jig and left. I think it's good that the shoemaker and his wife became happy. Folk & Fairy Tale Easy Readers: The Elves And The Shoemaker (English Edition) 著者 : Scholastic Teaching Resources 発売日 : 2006-03-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

My Exciting Week

Last weekend, I went to live concert with my cousin in Fukuoka. I haven't been familiar with the singer, but I was very excited. After the concert, I started to like him. I hope that my cousin and I go to his live concert again.